大胆的. 独特的. 圣经.
一个原理方法® –12 Christian School in Lancaster County, PA




记住,美国是为保护而设计的, 保存, and proclaim America’s Christian history to help restore our nation to the biblical principles upon which it was founded. 记得美国 is part of Dayspring Christian Academy’s broader vision and mission to restore the biblical foundation of America. The school endeavors to do so by raising up students with a biblical worldview and starting each subject with God’s Word. 我们教的是天意历史观, so students learn to see how God used people and nations to accomplish His plans and purposes. 这样做的时候, students learn to see that God had a plan and purpose for America—just as He does for all nations.

“记得美国 is based upon the conviction that the freedom and liberty our nation enjoys came from God through His son, 耶稣基督, and is the result or effect of Christianity’s development and westward march from Asia, 穿过欧洲和英国到达美洲,” said Dayspring Christian Academy Founder Dr. 迈克尔·迈尔斯. “记得美国 acknowledges that the United States of America was the fullest expression of biblical principles in the civil realm that the world had ever known. Our mission is to restore that biblical foundation.”

了解美国的历史, at Dayspring students study America’s founding from original and primary sources–from the journal written by Pilgrim Governor William Bradford through America’s founding documents. 这样做的时候, the biblical principles that undergird our constitutional republic are uncovered. These principles are the pillars of liberty in our nation and were a result of a prevailing biblical worldview during our founding era. But as America began to turn further away from its founding principles, liberty waned. It is true that the more Americans relinquish faith in the absolute power of God, 对无所不能的国家的信仰上升.

然而, those same biblical principles that were at work during our founding era are alive today and able to renovate the age. To extend our method of education beyond the classrooms, God inspired the 记得美国 idea.


In the early 1990s, Dayspring’s Founder Dr. 迈克尔·迈尔斯 began a radio segment on WDAC titled “美国,是时候记住了!” Using original documents and primary sources, Dr. Myers sought to canvass and rehearse the voices of our American ancestors and apply their perspectives to present day. This radio show was later compiled into the book by the same title, 美国,是时候记住了! 它的标题是今天对我们的指控.

从这颗种子, God launched the entire 记得美国 initiative that engages the community throughout the year in outreach events that educate and inspire audiences to restore our nation. Over the past 13 years, our events have reached nearly 25,000 guests.



The 记住美国演讲系列 is designed to remind Americans of their unique heritage of liberty that was founded upon biblical principles. The Series is intended to bring high-caliber speakers to our community who can cogently articulate their message, which is based on their own re搜索 of original sources and personal experiences.



铭记美国系列讲座 examines trends in American culture and applies the Word of God to these questions to equip citizens to navigate these turbulent times. The Lecture Series draws from the expertise of Dayspring educators to teach foundational elements of America’s beginning, including founding documents and principles, 有原则的教育, 我们的创始人, 和更多的.



The goal of the 记住美国重建计划 is to help Christians understand their duties in local and county government and to become hand-on in the restoration of America in the local political arena.



记住美国电影 seeks to glorify God and to inspire people to set their hope in Him by illuminating His providence in America’s history. Dayspring partnered with LampHouse Films, Lancaster, to produce the first movie in the initiative. 这部电影, 带我回家, depicts the life and faith of Harriet Tubman, who helped to set more than 300 slaves free through the Underground Railroad in the 1800s.



这一夜, annual reenactment tells the Pilgrim story from their beginnings in Scrooby, 英格兰, 他们逃到了荷兰, 以及他们前往新大陆的英勇航行. 感恩节暴露 enables guests to witness how the seeds of Christian self-government were planted and later gave rise to the greatest republic the world has ever the known-the United States of America.


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